Independent Study Highlights

As second semester winds down for most students, a select few are right in the middle of intensive independent projects.

Bethany offers junior and senior students the opportunity to pursue a specific topic of interest in a one semester independent study. Students submit an application to guidance counselor Jim Buller for consideration. If approved, students then choose a sponsoring teacher or community member with knowledge and experience in their area of study.

An independent study is considered a class, not a study hall, so there is still plenty of work involved. There are regular course requirements and grades are given out by the coordinator. Students work together with their sponsor to figure out assessments and and a study process.

Students have to provide a background on why they would like to pursue their topic of choice. A couple paragraphs about the history of their interest is sufficient. They then are required to provide questions of focus to guide their area of study. A plan or timeline for the semester is also suggested to keep them on track and completing requirements on time. Weekly meetings with the sponsor or coordinator are required; to check in about deadlines, ask questions, and provide guidance and advice.

This year several senior students are currently involved in a second semester independent study.

Ming Woo (‘13) chose to study dance and choreography, with Jay Mast as her advisor. Growing up with a passion for dance but not having many opportunities to publicly do so at Bethany, she focused on developing her skills through musicals and learning from videos online. She says, “By doing this independent study, I wish to further develop my own dancing styles and skills.”

Picture 9Nathan Swartzendruber is faculty adviser for both Lucas Morgan’s (‘13) independent study in private voice and Wade Troyer’s (‘13) study in piano. Both students are preparing for senior recitals. Developing forms of assessment and times of performance are things Nathan and Wade and Lucas have worked closely on.

Likewise, Eric Good-Kaufmann is faculty advisor of the independent studies of Stacie Park (‘13) and Maddie Gerig (‘13), both art related. Maddie is focusing on improving her ceramic skills and exploring new artistic techniques, specifically image transfers onto clay. Her background and family influence guided and strengthened her interest in developing her natural artistic talent. Stacie’s independent study is broader and she chose to work on sculpting and ceramics the first nine weeks of the semester and ink drawing and acrylic painting the second. She went into the study with a very focused idea of what pieces she specifically wanted to create and what skills she wanted to further explore.

Caleb Morris (‘13) and Jesse Bontreger (‘13) chose to work jointly on a filmmaking project. They wanted to learn the mechanics of video editing, with a movie as the final project. Benji Hurst serves as their faculty advisor. With a focused schedule for filming, they try to meet deadlines to keep the project on track. Caleb and Jesse enjoy working together, and have involved other students as actors in their film. Their finished project is set to premiere at the end of the study in May.

Independent studies are focused, individual projects, but the reward of developing skills and exploring interests makes the hard work worth it. Consider applying for one junior or senior year if you’re interested!

~Katie Hurst