Teacher Feature – John Mast

photo 1Here at Bethany, teachers and students know each other pretty well, but here is something you may not know about John Mast, the 8th grade math teacher.  John Mast is arguably a “Master Juicer.”  He started about three years ago when his brother in law was diagnosed with cancer, limiting the foods he could eat.  When he came to John’s house for a visit, they tried to come up with a way he could get all the things he needed.  They came up with juicing.  John read up on the subject, and came across the book and film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  This gave John a few ideas, and ever since he has been juicing weekly.

The great thing about juicing is it is a great way to get vital nutrients from vegetables that don’t taste good alone.  John likes an apple-kale-ginger-mint juice, getting the taste of apple along with the nutrients of kale.  Another favorite is a carrot-orange-pineapple, which has a citrusy flavor, with a hint of carrot.  The fruits in the juice act as a sweetener, while the veggies are for the nutrients and to blend with the sweeter fruity tastes.

Among all the benefits from natural juice, there is one minor setback.  It doesn’t keep very long.  The juice has no preservatives, so it spoils just as quickly if not faster than the regular fruit.  This is a minor problem for John though, because his entire family loves the juice he makes.  One of the boarding students living with him, Brian Yoo (‘14) likes the juice so much John has to hide it from him.  John also makes a different juice each time his small group meets.  Some are very good, while others leave a lot to be desired.

For anyone that is interested in starting to juice, there are entire books with recipes, techniques, and tips.  Some books even have juice “prescriptions” for certain bodily ailments.  Some cure headaches, others act as painkillers, while others might help you focus for a test.

While some people make juicing a large part of their lives, drinking only organic juice, sometimes for entire meals, John is keeping it in the hobby area of his life.  When I asked how much he juices, he said it was a lot, but he said, “Its a hobby not a lifestyle… yet.”  While John enjoys juicing and enjoys juice, he may not be the “Master Juicer” yet.
