Bethany’s Sustainability Project

Over the past several weeks, as school work has been drawing to a close, construction work is just getting started.  Bethany has launched into stage one of its two-stage sustainability project.  This includes an updated heating and cooling system powered by geothermal wells, a new sloped roof with better insulation and no leaks, and individual room heating controls to keep rooms a more regulated temperature.  Some windows and doors are also being replaced, adding to the insulation rating.  Right now, Bethany’s insulation rating, or R-value, is around four.  When the project is finished, it should be around 40.  Other additions will be a wind turbine, solar panels and water conservation sinks and toilets.

This is a 5.6 million dollar campaign, and around 4.1 million has already been raised through private donors over the past two years.  Although this may seem like a lot for some renovations, part of the money is also going towards an endowment that should pay for new computers every four years.  The savings from heating and cooling also make it worthwhile.  Bethany will save around 50 to 70 thousand dollars each year, which, as Principal Allan Dueck explains, “[The money] will go towards teacher salaries instead of heating the Universe.” Around 3 million will go towards the sustainability part of the project, and 1.23 million will go towards the endowments for computers.  The rest is for a digital literacy program, and tuition interest allowance for future years.

We have all seen the workers on the roof and standing around, and what they have started on is the new heating system.  It will replace the small pipes that carry water to registers around the school with giant ones that carry heated and cooled air to each room.  The new vents will be in the new roof, so eventually the pipes in each room will be replaced.  This is an infrastructure change to the entire project and must be done first, which is what they have been doing.  Soon, the workers will be drilling 60 geothermal wells that will supply 90% of the schools heating and cooling needs.  This will be happening over the course of this week.  After commencement, they will begin work on the rafters for the new roof.

The second stage of this campaign is educational.  Bethany is an advocate for sustainability, and they teach their students to take care of the earth.  Through this campaign, Bethany will be able to “practice what they preach” with new solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal wells.  Amy Thut, the environmental science teacher, will be able to teach her students about sustainability without long field trips to power plants and water treatment plants.  Bethany will have these types of thing right here on campus. The other part is a digital monitoring system that monitors the energy usage of the building.  It will be a real time display that students should be able to access during their environmental science classes.

Bethany is taking great steps to be more environmentally friendly, and are doing a stellar job at updating their building.  The building should be completed next summer, when the old steel pipes in each room will be removed, and holes in walls will be patched up.  Tree huggers around the community will be pleased with Bethany’s efforts at being environmentally friendly.
