Watered Down

Water is a resource that many, including myself, take for granted. About 70% of Earth’s surface is covered in water and only .3% of that water is usable by humans. It is important to remember that fresh water isn’t as accessible in other places in the world. Water use worldwide has increased by 1% every year since the 1980’s. This rise is expected to continue until 2050.

Water stress and water scarcity are very different. Water stress is the demand and/or use of water and water scarcity is the lack of water where there is demand. Due to increased human demand, overuse, climate change, and pollution, there are 4 billion people who experience water scarcity in at least 1 month of the year.

Water scarcity is most common in West Asia and North Africa. Whereas water scarcity is high in these regions, water stress is highest in North America and parts of Eurasia. The average American family uses over 300 gallons of water every day. The majority of this water goes towards clothing washers, toilets, and showers. An average American clothing washer uses anywhere from 20-50 gallons of water per load. Most toilets use over 1 gallon of water per flush, and if you take longer than an 8 minute shower then you are looking at over 18 gallons down the drain.

So with all this in mind, next time you use water, try to remember that water isn’t as plentiful everywhere as it is here. Try to save water when you can because every little bit adds up.