Brent Reinhardt, 10-12 US History, Geography, and Law teacher, has observed the seniors in the hallways, classroom, and has conducted other Brentish private investigations on students for multiple years. He created his own version of senior predictions, and some of of the predictions might surprise you!

Rilynn changes her name to Kelly and becomes a Polly Pocket. She spends the rest of her life sitting on KP’s desk.
Mia gets lost in the mess in her college dorm room. She is never seen again.
Obed lives the rest of his life in a closet in the dark on zoom. He spends his time making wooden swords.
Sadie becomes one of those floppy air dancers in front of a furniture store
Genesis Maust becomes a host of the talk show The View. Producers are surprised to realize that she doesn’t need a microphone to be heard.
Kameron Branum sits on a mountain top to await people to ask him questions. People are disappointed when they arrive to find out HE asks all the questions.
Maddie becomes a Kansas lawyer defending every injured squirrel and tending to their needs.
Aaron Shenk becomes the greatest car salesman the world has ever known.
Ana graduates from college with a quadruple major while simultaneously running an animal farm and performing in the Chicago symphony orchestra.
Tinsley smiles and floats in the clouds until the world learns how to be nice. She becomes a beacon of hope to all who seek good.
Lily spends the rest of her life driving her sisters around.
Naomi changes her name to nomester and becomes a Hollywood lawyer defending the rich and famous while simultaneously giving acting lessons to the people she defends.
Jack hits the pro volleyball beach tour and becomes a youtube influencer. He never loses his hair, much to Aaron Yeakey’s chagrin.
Aaron Yeakey loses his curly locks and comes back to Bethany to replace his father. He requires no reading, no writing, but does require students to wear short shorts, white socks and Birkenstocks.
Braden Bohn becomes a studio singing sensation but never goes on tour because when he gets on stage he can’t stop giggling.
Ethan B. becomes an undercover CIA agent so he no longer has Brent watching his every move.
Mason becomes a basketball and plays in the NBA. After a long career he sits on the mantle at Shaq’s house.
Cameron C and Genesis join the circus. Millions flock to see their “Yes, we really are twins” act.
Anthony becomes a motivational speaker.
David goes head to head with Bill Nye the Science guy, former President Trump, Elon Musk and Josh Weaver in a series of debates and wins every argument; or shaves his head and becomes the director of Camp Mack; or dyes his hair black and impersonates Andy Samberg at corporate parties.
Ethan N. travels around to high schools and role plays historical figures during simulations. His phone rings off the hook as US History teachers seek his services. He also runs Greencroft in his spare time.
Tyson Miller takes over for Pat Hughes to become the voice of Chicago Cubs radio. He secretly live streams the games to a certain Bethany Faculty member who can’t watch the games because he doesn’t have Direct TV.
Tim writes self-help books for struggling extroverts.
Theo aces all his college courses while watching youtube during lectures. He then writes romance novels dripping with sarcasm.
Joseph follows in his mother’s footsteps and becomes Bethany’s receptionist. Students fear going to the office to face the tongue-lashings Joseph delivers to tardy students.
Erika teaches freshmen high school boys how to be polite. She also travels the country playing an old woman in high school musicals.
Isa, with her unassuming size and wit, becomes a polyglot and sneaks into foreign countries as a spy.
Jackie becomes a high school soccer coach. She constantly berates her players for not being tough enough by telling them about the good old days in high school when she played.
Josiah becomes a missionary to the local public schools.
Dylan becomes a local sportscaster after a successful college soccer career.
They continue to meet for lunch everyday and kick a soccer ball back and forth.
Michaela tries to avoid going outside during the winter. She is so stealth that she becomes known as “the Cat Lady”.
After years of driving the safest car Trami decides to drive a 1970’s Ford Pinto. Ironically, she is slightly injured when she is T-boned by Brent’s van in retaliation for years of being punched in the stomach.
After years of reckless, anti-social behavior Jessica becomes an outstanding member of society.
Risa changes the world one youtube music video at a time after “walking on sunshine” goes viral; or she becomes the next Andy Warhol; or she becomes a bunny rabbit.