Author: Sightline Staff

Best Commercials Ever.

This past weekend was Super Bowl 50. The Broncos and Panthers went head to head for NFL’s highest championship title. Super Bowl Sunday in America entails many traditions. These traditions include the halftime show, parties with friends and family, wings,…

Senior Trip 2016

Senior Trip This year’s senior trip was one to be remembered. The class of 2016 chose to spend a week in Chicago doing multiple activities. Class sponsors, Renae Yoder, and Calvin Swartzentruber lead the class of 33 around Chicago along…

Job Shadowing 2016

Bethany’s January Term, (or J-Term), is a highlight for many students, as well as a very unique experience. However, seniors get to experience something completely different. Rather than joining the the other J-Term groups, seniors get the opportunity to pick…

Disney Imagineering J-term

J-term is a time when Bethany students get to participate in new experiences that help them learn and grow as people. A lot of J-terms are focused on service and experiencing life in a different way, like the Civil Rights…

People of the Week: Kaci, Jake & Izzy

Second semester is here and so are some new students! Kaci Marie Yoder (‘18), Israel David Mujica Vincent (‘18), and Jacob Ross Bedwell (‘17)  all joined the BCHS roster this semester. Kaci was born in Glendale, Arizona. She enjoys tacos…

Recipes for the Christmas Season

The holidays are always a great time to try out some new recipes! Below are four of my family’s Christmas recipes, which I hope you enjoy if you decide to try them out!   Springerle (German) 4 medium sized eggs,…

The True Meaning of Christmas

We’re in the last few weeks of December. Many of us have been busy studying for exams and are looking forward to the Christmas break. But in the midst of all our personal chaos, it’s important to remember why we…

Person of the Week: Steven Horsch

Sophomore, Steven Horsch was born in Goshen, Indiana. Some of his peers might describe him as quiet, but once you get to know Steven, he feels like he can be more himself. Some would say he is funny, random and…