Author: Sightline Staff

Interterm Leader Interviews!

The final Interterm of the 2023-2024 school year is nearly upon us and for many, this is their last chance to experience this Bethany exclusive event. We all want this Interterm to be a memorable one, so I decided to…

Interviewing Alumni of Bethany

Interviews were conducted with Bethany alumni, inquiring about various aspects such as their interterm experience, most memorable classes, senior trip details, what was the school’s appearance compared to now, and whether they had the opportunity to retest. The alumni in…

Brief: Wordle

Wordle: a social media sensation with almost 3 million players. It would be a surprise to find someone who hasn’t heard of this simple yet entertaining word game. Invented by Josh Wardle in October of 2021, Wordle was soon after…

Bethany’s “New” Phone Policy… Is it real or not?

Many students have been under the impression that there is a new phone policy for the 23-24 school year, but this is not true. The current phone policy has not undergone any changes since last year; according to Hank Willems,…

A Unique Part of Bethany: Job Shadowing

One aspect of education at Bethany that is quite unique is the senior job shadowing experience. As a graduation prerequisite, every senior is required to shadow at two different job placements, in an effort to grow their interest in any…

Debate Nationals

With the start of the debate season just this past week and our home tournament coming up, we at Sightline thought we ought to look back at the team’s performance over the summer. Over the course of the summer many…

Day Away & Service Day

Sophomore Service Day and Day Away- This year’s service day consisted of going to Quaker Haven Camp and helping them with various tasks around the beautiful area. Some of these tasks included moving tables, taking apart and painting a gaga…

Beginning of School Recap

With the first quarter for the 2023-2024 school year ending, we wanted to present a recap of the “happenings” in the first nine weeks of school. Thursday August 10th was the first day of school for Bethany Christian students. The…

Fall Sports ’23 Season Review

As September comes to a close, so too does the fall sports season at Bethany; with teams exceeding expectations and succeeding across the board, we take a step back to examine the season in its fullness, getting a sense of…