Author: Sightline Staff

“Arrested Development” Returns

Arrested Development, the beloved cult sitcom from the Fox network, is making a comeback.   Netflix purchased the rights to the series earlier this year, planning to bring the popular comedy back from cancellation for a brand new season, which…

Wanted: Sightline Staff

This is the first year that Bethany’s official student publication has been moved to an online medium and it has been a great success. Having Sightline online gives writers many options to supplement their writing. Writers can easily embed a…

Spring Concert Preview

As the school year draws to a close, many groups are wrapping things up. Among these groups are the high school choirs and orchestra, who are giving their final high school concert of the year. The concert will be held…

Service Day 2013

As an annual Bethany event, the high school gathers in groups during the 4th quarter to take the day doing community service around Goshen. On Wednesday, May 8th, 12 groups got together to go to different sites. Here are some…

At the Movies with Jesse: “Iron Man 3”

Iron Man 3 is a bold and energetic return to the Marvel world, excelling in practically every way.   Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes, Tropic Thunder) returns as the iron-clad avenger in the third film of the character’s standalone franchise.…