Category: Arts

Recipes for the Christmas Season

The holidays are always a great time to try out some new recipes! Below are four of my family’s Christmas recipes, which I hope you enjoy if you decide to try them out!   Springerle (German) 4 medium sized eggs,…

Bethany High School Fall Play “The Nerd”

As fall is approaching, one event that people look forward to is Bethany’s High School fall play. Theater is one of Bethany’s many strengths and an extracurricular that allows for students to engage, learn, develop skills, and highlight their talents.…

Emmaus Performing Arts Group

Emmaus is a performing arts group that is lead by students in grades 10-12. Each year Talashia Keim Yoder holds auditions for this group and selects anywhere from 7-12 students. The students have to be able to act, dance, sing,…

Baseball Photo Essay

The 2015 Bruins baseball team played Elkhart Christian Academy Eagles Tuesday, May 19. The Bruins and Eagles have been rivals for years. Here are some shots from the game.

Even More Poetry!

Here’s some more of my “Carissa Original” Poetry! Enjoy! ~Carissa Woolace PEACE Peace as you go, go throughout your life. Peace to live, to love, to be you. Peace and comfort Peace and love Peace and quiet.   Peace in…


Observer Talking, chatter all around me. I sit silently, an observer. I wonder what they’re talking about. What are they saying? Why are they laughing, hysterically, not a care in the world? They don’t know me. I don’t know them.…


I will be posting two to four new poems every other week. Please feel free to submit your poems to me and I will read over them and most likely post them. Please also tell me if you want me…

Bethany Jazz/Pep Band

Big news in the music department here at Bethany: the jazz band is back! There was no jazz band last year, but in previous years Barbra Slagel directed the band. Sherry Good, band director at Bethany, brought the jazz band…