Category: Sightline

The Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump: For Dummies

So Trump, we’ve all heard about him. From his talk of building walls to his alleged connections with Russia, Trump has formed quite the character. And his controversy only continues to grow with the Democrats call for his impeachment. But…

A Day in the Life of a Debater

If you listen to the announcements, hear your friends talking in the hall, or ever walk past Michael’s room during lunch, you encounter speech and debate. But unless you participate in it, speech and debate is separate enough from the…

Jeffrey Epstein: Who is he?

The mystery around Jeffery Epstein has not only shocked the nation but has created a great deal of controversy.  To inform those unaware of who Epstein is, he was a well known figure that started his career as a teacher…

Bethany’s Proud to Present: Pride and Prejudice

The High School Play, Pride and Prejudice, is looking forward to its opening night in these next few days. For most of the school, this is a three day event, but for some, it’s been a two month journey. Surprisingly,…

Jungle Hunters Video

Finding the wildest of creatures in Bethany’s halls is a dangerous but fulfilling adventure. Enjoy this video documentation of that adventure.

Some of the student body’s favorite jokes~

A student-wide survey was sent out to collect some of the student’s favorite jokes and here they are! -What happens when a soprano is at your door? They can’t find the key and they don’t know when to come in.…

Spirit-Life Week

Music teacher Brody Thomas leading song in Chapel. Bev Eash talking thrive during Chapel. Tyson leading the song in Chapel. Sarah Lind’s group is having a meeting with her group.