Category: Sightline

Person of the Week: Anna Barnard

Anna Vandana Elisabeth Barnard was born in New Delhi, India where she was adopted. She grew up in Belgium and later moved to England, Atlanta, New York, and lastly Indiana. Some of her friends might describe her as very social,…

Bethany High School Fall Play “The Nerd”

As fall is approaching, one event that people look forward to is Bethany’s High School fall play. Theater is one of Bethany’s many strengths and an extracurricular that allows for students to engage, learn, develop skills, and highlight their talents.…

2016 J-Term

  Every year when Bethany students come back to school after Christmas break they experience something completely different from most schools. J-Term, also known as January-Term, for high school students (9th-11th graders) is about have one class a day for…

Person of the Week: Shelby Rahe

This week’s highlighted student is Shelby Rahe! Shelby was born in Brazil and has said that if she could meet anyone, it would be one of her ancestors, so that she could learn more about her birth family’s history. Her…

Fitness at Fidler’s

“Or do you not know that your body’s a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1…

Emmaus Performing Arts Group

Emmaus is a performing arts group that is lead by students in grades 10-12. Each year Talashia Keim Yoder holds auditions for this group and selects anywhere from 7-12 students. The students have to be able to act, dance, sing,…

Monthly Photo Contest Explanation

The Sightline staff has recently come up with a plan for a game on our site that should be really fun. We’ll need our readers help to make the game work though. The game is basically a photo contest. Towards…

Person of the Week: Kenzie Yoder

Freshman Kenzie Yoder is this week’s Person of the Week! Kenzie was born in Muskegon, Michigan and her favorite way to pass the time is watching Netflix. She is a very gifted girl, with way too many talents to count.…

Person of the Week: Gavin Rusel

This article is the beginning in a series of articles. Each week there will be a short article on a new person so that we can become more familiar with some of the people with whom we go to school.…

Introducing: Brody Thomas

This year at Bethany, we are very excited to welcome our new choir director, Brody Thomas to the school. Many students may remember Brody as Nathan’s student teacher last year. Brody grew up in Springs, Pennsylvania and then attended Goshen…