Hello There! The name’s McHugh, Ian McHugh. Before you ask: yes, both of those statements were meant to be movie references. You may already know me from some of Sightline’s previous videos, including “The Late Night Show with Jacob &…
Category: Sightline
Seniors on women’s basketball team reflect after great season
Thomas Sankara: The brief history of an African revolutionary
Voting reform bill fails in the Senate after an attempt to kill the filibuster fails
On Wednesday, the Voting Rights Bill was filibustered in the US Senate after a desperate attempt to change the Senate Rule 22 requiring 60 to vote in favor of ending debate. The Democrat’s attempt to change Rule 22 came with…
An Update on the Taliban
In August 2021, the Taliban overthrew Afghanistan’s western-backed government and declared themself the new regime. They promised their country and the world that they would be better than their 1996-2001 rule, when they heavily limited human and women’s rights within…
New Year New You
Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Wanting to lose weight? Keep up on homework? Drink more water during the day? Get more sleep? Not get COVID? A noble quest but how practical is that? According to a study from…
Celebrating the Winter Solstice – Yule
Each year around December 20-23, people around the world celebrate the longest night of the year. Scandinavians hold a traditional festival of lights for St. Lucia, one of the first Christian martyrs. In China, they celebrate Dong Zhi as being…
Why are there so many pastas?
Has this ever happened to you? You’re walking through a grocery store and end up in the Italian food section. Right beside you is what seems to be an enormous wall, constructed entirely of blue boxes of pasta. All different…
Book Exchange
Have a favorite book you want to share with others? Have one that you’ve read too many times for your own good? Need reading material for Christmas break? Stop by the Senior lounge outside the cafeteria anytime on Thursday or Friday…
The True Story of Thanksgiving
In elementary schools across the country, children trace their hands to make turkeys and learn about the first Thanksgiving. They’re told that after the Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to survive here, the Pilgrims invited the natives to a…