Vocal Music of the Gala

A big part of Bethany’s annual Christmas Gala is music and singing. The Sightline staff wanted to know how the choral songs for the Gala were chosen. Bethany’s choir teacher, Danielle Svonavec, was more than willing to share with us how she made these choices, and why she felt they were perfect.

Written by Gretchen Bateman; Edited by Simon Dutkiewicz

Christmas Movie Reviews

Happy holidays from the Sightline staff!

The Christmas season means new Christmas movies. This year, quite a few new movies were released. Two members of the Staff watched a couple and took notes. Before heading into our reviews, consider this your spoiler warning.

Written by Ella McHugh, Margo Finnigan; Edited by Simon Dutkiewicz

Fear the Prop Loft

The depths of the Prop Loft are not for the faint of heart. Only the bravest souls venture above…and within. On the Loft sits three sets of towering black plastic shelves with large transparent plastic bins stuffed wherever they will fit, and overflowing with small props…

Written by Sofia Johar; Edited by Simon Dutkiewicz